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Tips to Choosing the Best Diamond Ring

Diamond rings are great for engagements, anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. After all, diamonds are a woman's best friend and you want to give your special woman, may it be your mother or wife or friend, a really special gift that comes from the heart. A diamond ring is one of the best gifts that you could give – the beauty never blemishes or fades and they do last forever.

Assorting Through the Rubble

However, diamond rings can come in a myriad of styles, cuts, and value. How can you keep track of all the diamond jewelry to ensure you are getting your special someone the right type of diamond ring? Here's a quick yet in-depth look at the different steps to choosing your diamond ring.

Master the Four C's of Diamonds

Whenever you are going to buy diamonds you need to master the four C's. The four C's stand for:

    Carat

    Color

    Clarity

    Cut

These four are mainly the four aspects you need to understand the most. Of course you still need to think about the diamond setting and the ring band itself (yellow gold and platinum are amongst the best choices since their colors go well with the diamond's natural purity).

Carat – the carat is a reference to the weight and size of the diamond. Basically one carat is equivalent to .2 grams or 200 milligrams. In this case size does matter because the more carats your diamond has the bigger and heavier it may be. Make sure to read this as carat and not karat, which is a different means of measurement for gold purity.

Color – the better quality diamonds are those with absolutely no color. There are very few true colorless diamonds however but many diamonds do get as white and clear as possible. With less impeding colors, the light that shines through the diamond can reflect and shimmer. Less color means a more brilliant diamond. If you want to give your special someone a really high-end valued diamond ring you will want to read the charts on the diamond's color value. Remember: less color, the more valuable it is.

Clarity – clarity is quite simple. You are looking for blemishes (impurities on the outside) and inclusions (impurities in the inside). Anything from minor elements that could have deluded the diamond can radically lower its value. One simple way to check for clarity is to pass light through the diamond. If there is nothing in the way the light will pass through undisturbed, as if there was nothing there. If there is any type of impurity, the light will bend, the same way it does when flashed on a regular drinking glass (drinking glasses are often bogged with dirt and impurities).

Cut – the cut of the diamond will determine its physical beauty, shape, and brilliance. A round diamond is the most famous and is arguably the most brilliant. You also have the princess cut with its sharp corners and perfectly straight edges. These are the brilliant cuts while the emerald cut focuses more on clarity instead of shimmering light. The cut will also determine the shape of the ring's setting so always make sure to identify how the diamond cut should be to get the best results with